Study Mathematics, Who Frightened?
The FEAR of the mathematical lesson often descends on the feeling of the students in the school beginning with the level of the PRIMARY SCHOOL up to SMA. In Fact, the mathematics not the lesson that is difficult, in other words as is said by the mathematician ITB Iwan Pranoto, anyone could bermatematika
Explained by Iwan, the problem of the mathematical phobia is often regarded as very crucial compared with the other study field because since the PRIMARY SCHOOL even the KINDERGARTEN, the student have been taught by mathematics.
"If physics, just was taught in the level SMP. because that, the physics phobia to am not so crucial compared with mathematics," he said.
According to Iwan, the cause of the mathematical phobia including including the emphasis belebihan in penghafalan only, the emphasis in the speed or count, authoritarian teaching, the shortage of the variation in the process studying-teach mathematics, and the emphasis are abundant in the achievement of the individual.
Therefore, to overcome math anxiety, the role of the teacher is very important.
Serious him, available mathematical teachers are in Indonesia judged not aware with permasalahn the mathematical phobia in the student's circle.
"How they (teachers) aware if many of the they, who are very clear teach mathematics, but do not have background education in the mathematical field," he said.
Moreover, these teachers also do not know that the most important process in bermatematika am the reason not the capacity counts.
"This that is wrong, teachers always regard that the person who cannot count, could not mathematics."
In fact, everyone could mathematics.
So be wrong if the person who is talented in mathematics is the skilled person count, he said.
Because like that the importance of the role of the teacher in overcoming the mathematical phobia, then mathematical teaching must be then changed.
If beforehand, mathematical teaching focusses on the calculation aritmatika completely then at this time, says Iwan, teachers must increase the student's capacity in bernalar.
Moreover, mathematical teaching must also focus to the child.
Explained by Iwan, this can be done by means of make use of concrete material simple to introduce the idea of mathematics and connect this idea with the everyday life.
He stressed, that mathematics not merely the activity of adding, the reduction, the distribution, and multiplication because bermatematika in modern must aplikatif with the requirement for the modern life.(sumber:Pikiran Rakyat)
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